The key to reversing global warming is creating viable alternatives for unsustainable products and jobs. The slow progress to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions is proof that not enough people are willing to make sacrifices to prevent global warming. Eventually the costs of global warming will be so high that people will be forced to change their habits, but by then it will be too late. This is why providing as good or better sustainable alternatives today is crucial for our future.
We need everyone to change their habits, but if people are asked to give up their favorite things for worse alternatives they wont do it. Not enough people are going to give up meat unless there are better and cheaper vegan alternatives. Not enough people are going to buy electric cars until they become cheaper than gas cars. Not enough people are going to support bans on fracking or oil production until the people employed in those industries have an opportunity for an equal or better source of income. But when the sustainable alternatives improve, people will naturally adopt them. When electric cars are cheaper, faster, and have more range with less maintenance cost than gas cars it will be hard to justify buying anything else.
For those of us who do care enough to make sacrifices now, we need to do all we can to support the development of sustainable alternatives. You can do this by becoming an early adopter of current alternative products like meatless meat or electric cars to support those companies and help them further develop their products. You could find a job at one of these companies and dedicate your time and mental power to making their products better. If you are lucky enough to have the resources you can invest in these companies and become a shareholder.
Fortunately momentum for sustainable alternatives is growing. Electric cars, solar power, and vegan meats and other alternatives have improved a lot over the past few years. They still have a ways to go, and with our support they can get there.